Breastfeeding Fellowship / Purchase LILAC Curriculum Purchase LILAC Curriculum First Name * the value is required must be at least 2 symbols Last Name * the value is required must be at least 2 symbols Phone * the value is required must be a valid phone number Organization Email address * the value is required must be a valid email address Verify Email Address * the value is required must match value in Email field Select Classes select at least one item! Lessons in Lactation Advanced Curriculum Category 1$6,500.00 per seat. Number of seats = $6500.00 $0.00 Category 3$1,000.00 per seat. Number of seats = $1000.00 $0.00 Category 1 Ruth A Lawrence Scholar - Payment Agreement$1,000.00 per seat. Number of seats = $1000.00 $0.00 Category 1 Yearly Payment Agreement$3,250.00 per seat. Number of seats = $3250.00 $0.00 Resident Category 1$4,500.00 per seat. Number of seats = $4500.00 $0.00 Total: $0.00